Information and Members

Oak Grove R-VI School Board

Oak Grove R-VI School District Mission: It is the mission of the Oak Grove R-VI School District to create an environment for students to become lifelong learners by providing the guidance, tools, and opportunities to maximize their academic, social, and individual potential.

Meeting Information:
When: Third Wednesday of Each Month 
Where: Board of Education Room  1205 S. Salem St. Oak Grove, MO 64075 
Time: 7:00 PM 

Contact Information:
Keith Moyer, President   [email protected]

Jeff Jennings, Vice President   [email protected]

Jimmy Schlichting, Treasurer   [email protected] 

Jason Brown, Member  [email protected]

Terry Honeycutt, Member [email protected] 

Tamara Kirk, Member   [email protected]

Randy McClain,
 Member/MSBA Delegate    [email protected]

Kristy Findley, Board Secretary   [email protected]