Improvement Plans







As a component of the implementation of the Sixth Cycle of the Missouri School Improvement Program (MSIP) review process, all districts are required by the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) to develop a Continuous School Improvement Plan (CSIP) that directs the overall improvement of its educational programs and services. The


Oak Grove School District began this process in January, 2023. The purpose of the CSIP is to prioritize objectives and goals that will be developed and implemented over the course of the next four years. It is a plan that centers on the improvement of the district from all perspectives with the major thrust on enhancing student achievement and performance levels.



Planning Process

Early in 2023, a survey was conducted to gain feedback from staff, students grades 6th-12th and parents, guardians, community members.  During January and February 2023, a committee of district stakeholders, including school board members, administrators, teachers, parents, students and community members, convened for four meetings to create an updated Continuous School Improvement Plan (CSIP). The committee first worked to identify the Oak Grove School District’s specific strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. 


With this information as well as district data and survey results, the CSIP committee determined the district's beliefs, mission, vision and top priorities  With those priorities in mind, measurable goals and specific action steps were created to guide decisions and plans moving forward. This CSIP plan is in full accordance with MSIP 6 and will be implemented upon board approval March 20, 2023. 



Utilization of the Plan

The Continuous School Improvement Plan (CSIP) is a road map to our future. The plan is designed to identify important, long range improvement issues and describes a specific set of actions to be undertaken, relative to these issues, over a four year period. The Oak Grove school board, administration, and staff will work alongside parents, community members, and subject area experts to identify and implement programs and enact changes to work towards reaching the goals outlined in the school’s CSIP.



Required Review & Revisions

The CSIP should be reviewed and amended annually with an updated progress report to the Board of Education quarterly. 










CSIP Committee Members


Special thanks to the following individuals who dedicated nearly 14 hours of their time, over the course of 4 nights to this process. 


Michelle Alexander- ECC teacher/admin

Randy McClain- School Board

Angela Allison- HS teacher

Ashley Miller- MS student

Jeff Andrew- MS teacher

Keith Moyer- School Board

Alicia Bryan- MS teacher/parent

Sharon Nations- Elementary Teacher

Chris Carrell- Primary Teacher

Debra Nelson- HS teacher

Sarah Dunham- Parent

Laura Oyler- Primary Principal

Jessie Fallert- Parent

Misti Raney- Elementary Principal

Stacy Foree- HS teacher

Jovanna Rohs- School Board/ Parent

Dana Graham- Parent

Adam Salmon- HS Principal

Terry Griffith- MS Secretary

Jim Schlichting- School Board/Parent

Jill Gunlock- Parent

Chris Smith- Central Office

Mindy Hampton- Superintendent

Rachel Smith- Elementary Teacher

Angie Helgamoe- Parent

Tara Titus- Parent

Tom Huffington- Assistant Superintendent

Maleah Triplett Slater- HS student

Heather Jones- Elementary Teacher

Tara Tripp- Business owner/teacher

Tracy Kemp- MS Principal

Jodie Vickers- Primary Teacher


Dana Webb- Mayor/community member











What do we do well? What are the resources and assets that set us apart from the crowd?

  • People - students, staff
  • All one campus location
  • Tradition (homecoming parade)
  • Community spirit
  • Supportive community
  • Academics of students
  • Small town feel, but still has bigger school budgets/ideas/resources
  • Security of the buildings and setup of the schools (pods in MS)
  • Teacher retention
  • Updated facilities
  • Class sizes
  • Early Childhood program on site
  • Resources are shared between building
  • Libraries are funded well
  • Data driven decisions
  • Many extracurricular activities for students
  • Career ladder
  • Bus all students in the district
  • OPAA food service
  • Strong administration
  • Bringing staff children to district
  • Improved safely elements and training
  • Mentor training program
  • Fine Arts Program
  • Caring Staff (Genuine, goes the extra mile)
  • Traditions
  • Program offerings for HS students
  • Amount of staff members that were OG graduates
  • Highly qualified staff
  • GREAT kids
  • Instructional coaches at the primary and elementary levels
  • Low amount of major discipline issues
  • Opportunity for growth professionally
  • High academic standards
  • Connections to staff
  • Longevity of staff
  • Creating a CSIP plan this year
  • Burrell Mental Health Services
  • At or above state average for test scores



What are our limitations? What are others likely to see as a weakness?

  • Salaries and benefits for certified and non-certified staff
  • Lack of Diversity within students and staff
  • Need Rotation cycle for furniture/ technology/ facilities needs
  • Lack of resources for teachers
  • More student recognition for areas beyond athletics
  • Resistant to change
  • Failure of staff to hold all students accountable in the same way
  • Failure to grade consistently across the same subject/grade level
  • Limited courses/electives at MS and HS
  • Percentage of students entering technical school/training
  • Communication platform
  • Facility Upgrades
  • Gifted Program
  • Parent education nights or opportunities
  • No district wide benchmark assessment
  • Curriculum alignment
  • Social-emotional support for students-need crisis intervention
  • No social workers in the district.
  • Limited Social Services and resources
  • Retention of support staff
  • Continue improving MAP/EOC scores
  • More higher level learning opportunities
  • Alternative education program



What opportunities are open to us? What are resources of which we could take advantage?

  • Bond issue to continue with renovations
  • Levy increase for staff salaries
  • Create a rotating budget cycle to purchase needed items
  • More PD focus on mental health services
  • Continuing reevaluating our curriculum and assessments
  • More STEM opportunities
  • Science Olympiad
  • More Gifted Opportunities
  • Parental/Community involvement
  • Alternative Programs
  • Teacher Recruitment
  • Staff Salaries
  • Rebuilding our activities and sports programs
  • Expanding PreK supports and services
  • Growth in our town=growth in our schools
  • Intentional partnerships with the city
  • Collaboration/Plan time
  • Building Relationships
  • Peer mentoring between buildings
  • Opportunities for high school students to connect to community work resources (work release)/ job shadowing opportunities
  • Additional extra curricular activities - tennis, orchestra
  • Building up beginning teacher programs and ongoing at least first 2 years
  • Instructional coaches at secondary level
  • Incentivize advanced degree opportunities for staff
  • Additional resource officer in district daily
  • Parental involvement (volunteering in the classroom, PTO)
  • Grants for programs
  • More staff recognition
  • Cohesive Curriculum:All buildings should Align/Flow and be provided resources and training
  • Social Media presence to celebrate great things happening in classrooms



What threats do our weaknesses expose us to? What external factors threaten our success?

  • Lack of time
  • Lack of money
  • Lack of staff or the right staff
  • Communication (too much / too little)
  • Staff retention vs neighboring districts
  • Security and safety
  • Growing community, new neighbors, keeping up with new trends
  • Aging resources - Chromebooks / text-books
  • Teacher burnout/retention
  • Learning gaps from COVID
  • Resistance to change
  • Status quo
  • Ever changing whims of legislature
  • Likelihood of community voting for a tax increase/ bond issue
  • School safety
  • Trying to focus on too many things at one time
  • Accountability (staff, students and parents)
  • Balance of traditional instruction vs technology
  • Mental Health Concerns
  • Possible open enrollment
  • Comparison to other districts
  • Neighboring districts moving to 4 day weeks


Priority Area #1:

Student Learning, Student Success, Academic Achievement

Goal #1: Oak Grove PK-12th grade curriculum will be aligned to the Missouri Learning Standards as measured annually by the OGR6 Curriculum Review Cycle.



Action Step

Person(s) Responsible

Funding Source



Hold demonstrations for a variety of science resources & adoption of new science textbook series K-12th grade

Assist. Supt

Curriculum Director, Building Admin and teams of teachers

ESSER funds

2nd semester 2023


Scheduled and intentional time for PK-12 vertical alignment and collaboration of curriculum

Assist. Supt

Curriculum Director and vertical teams


2nd semester 2023- 2nd semester 2024


Curriculum will be aligned in grades K-12 to the Missouri Learning Priority Standards using evidence-based instructional practices for all content areas

Assist. Supt

Curriculum Director and content staff


2024-2025 school year


All content areas and grade levels PK-12 will

create pacing guides, priority standards, and assessments

Assist. Supt

Curriculum Director and content staff



School year


A Curriculum Review Cycle will be created and implemented PK-12 with yearly reports to the Board of Education for accountability.

Assist. Supt

Curriculum Director


Starting Fall 2024


Demo, pilot and implement a district wide benchmark assessment tool for reading and math

Assist. Supt

Curriculum Director and building admin


Spring 2024


Curriculum nights for parents to know and understand MLS and Oak Grove content

Assist. Supt

Curriculum Director


Spring 2023 and ongoing


All curriculum available on the website for access and review

Assist. Supt

Curriculum Director


Spring 2023 and ongoing







Priority Area #1:

Student Learning, Student Success, Academic Achievement

Goal #2: Oak Grove School District will implement and develop innovative and supplemental learning opportunities to increase student participation by

2% annually through 2026.




Action Step

Person(s) Responsible

Funding Source



Revamp gifted referral, screening and assessment tools and course offerings to increase student participation in the gifted program

Building Admin, Curriculum Director, gifted teacher

State & local

Spring 2023-spring 2024


Grant writing for PLTW resources and course offerings at the MS in the area of STEAM

Supt, Building Admin, PLTW teacher

Grant & local

Spring 2023


Join WeMET for growth of course offering of dual credit classes at HS

Supt, HS counselors


Spring 2023


Research Alternative Education programs and implement a 9-12th Al Ed program

Supt, HS principal and Alt. Ed staff

State & local

Spring 2023- ongoing


Continue district career ladder opportunity for supplemental programming

Board of Ed, Supt, career ladder Committee

State & local

Every Spring during budget time


Grant writing for PLTW resources and course offerings at the HS in the area of STEAM

Supt, Building Admin, PLTW teacher

State, local

& Grant




Students in middle and high school will develop ICAP plans based on career interests surveys

Building admin and counselors

Local and state

Implement 2023 and ongoing


High School students will be provided opportunities of Career fairs, Vocation Education tours, job shadowing and guest speakers to understand all post secondary training and options

Building admin and counselors

Local and state

Implement 2023 and ongoing




Priority Area #1:

Student Learning, Student Success, Academic Achievement

Goal #3: Oak Grove students will score at or above the state average on MAP, EOC, and ACT assessments annually through 2026.



Action Step

Person(s) Responsible

Funding Source



Data teams will analyze building level state assessment data and determine interventions needed

Building intervention teams


Fall 2023


A multi-tiered system of academic support will be provided for students needing interventions

Building intervention teams


Fall 2024


Develop reading success plans for students per DESE guidelines

Building admin and teachers


Fall 2023


District will pay for the ACT test for Seniors who complete the ACT prep class 1st semester of Senior year

HS counselors and admin


Spring 2024




Priority Area #2:

Staffing: Recruiting, Hiring, Developing, Compensating & Retaining

Goal #1: 100% of Oak Grove certified and non-certified staff will participate in staff development opportunities aligned to district focus areas and individual teacher growth goals annually.



Action Step

Person(s) Responsible

Funding Source



A district PDC Committee and manual will be established which will outline use of the 1% Professional Development funds and include building improvement plans as well as Teacher PD plans

Admin team and PDC Committee

State 1% PDC funds

Fall 2023


The District will implement a district wide behavior support program and all Staff will receive behavior support training

Admin team

State 1% PDC funds

Fall 2024


New teacher training will be provided for all new staff which includes orientation and assigned mentorship/buddy teachers as outlined in the Professional Development Handbook annually

PDC Committee & Mentor Coordinator

State 1% PDC funds



The district will partner with Central & Kansas City RPDC (Regional Professional Development Center) for effective training and professional development annually

Admin team and PDC Committee

State 1% PDC funds




Priority Area #2:

Staffing: Recruiting, Hiring, Developing, Compensating & Retaining

Goal #2: Oak Grove School District will retain 90% of the staff it intends to issue a contract to yearly.



Action Step

Person(s) Responsible

Funding Source



Create and implement a Superintendent Advisory Committee to look into staff benefits



Fall 2023


Continually analyze calendar options to retain highly qualified teachers

Supt. and SAC (Supt Advisory Committee)




Continually analyze staff benefits for competitive plans

Supt. and SAC (Supt Advisory Committee)




Continually analyze Career Ladder program as an opportunity for staff to make more money and provide students more programs

Supt. and SAC (Supt Advisory Committee)




Continually analyze staff salary schedules, giving all years of services, eliminating frozen steps and longevity pay

Supt. and SAC (Supt Advisory Committee)




Research cost and effect of tuition reimbursement programs and grow your own leadership programs

Supt. and SAC (Supt Advisory Committee)







Priority Area #3:

District Operations: Management, Facilities & Finance

Goal #1: Oak Grove School District will increase the operating levy to allow for a 10% increase to staff salaries and benefits by the end of the fiscal year, 2026.




Action Step

Person(s) Responsible

Funding Source



The district will research area schools tax levy and provide information on similar size and regions schools



Fall 2023


The district will communicate how the additional local funds will help meet the academic and extracurricular needs of all students. This communication will be disseminated on the district webpage,mailers to patrons, district social media accounts and in the local newspaper

Supt., school board


Feb-April 2024


The district will place a levy increase initiative on the April 2024 ballot. If it fails, try again in April of 2025. If it fails, try a third time in November of 2025

Supt., school board


April 2024, April 2025, Nov 2025


Priority Area #3:

District Operations: Management, Facilities & Finance

Goal #2: Prioritize and Develop a plan to continue the improvement and upgrades to Oak Grove facilities and technology by the end of 2024.



Action Step

Person(s) Responsible

Funding Source



Conduct a needs Assessment of facility needs district wide

Supt., Assist. Supt, Maint Director, Admin


June 2023



Conduct a needs Assessment of technology needs district wide

Supt., Assist. Supt, Tech Director, Admin


June 2023


Develop a 5 year facility and maintenance plan with funding sources

Supt., Assist. Supt, Maint Director, Admin


Dec. 2023


Develop a 5 year Technology plan with funding sources

Supt., Assist. Supt, Tech Director, Admin


Dec. 2023


The district will promote a Spring 2024, no tax increase, bond issue by involving community, students, and staff

School Board, Supt.


April 2024




Priority Area #4:

Safety and Security: Climate and Culture of Wellness

Goal #1: Oak Grove School District will increase school safety support for all students and staff by providing resources annually as measured by student, staff and parent surveys.



Action Step

Person(s) Responsible

Funding Source



The District Emergency Operations Plan (EOP) will be revised to reflect the district's current level of readiness for dealing with crises and evaluated annually

Admin team, safety coordinator




The district will annually evaluate campus cameras, security system and intercoms to provide adequate surveillance and communication to all district facilities

Admin team, safety coordinator


Every summer, ongoing


The district will annually provide education for students and staff in regard to safety implementations and safety drills.

Admin team, safety coordinator




The district will annually update campus maps for emergency personnel

Admin team, safety coordinator


Yearly, fall


The district will evaluate the need for an additional resource officer

Admin team, safety coordinator




The district will maintain a 98% proficiency level annually in all operational areas (transportation / school nutrition / Insurance etc.) in regard to required safety inspections

Admin team, safety coordinator





Priority Area #4:

Safety and Security: Climate and Culture of Wellness

Goal #2: Oak Grove School District will increase the social and emotional support for all students and staff by providing resources annually as measured by student, staff and parent surveys.



Action Step

Person(s) Responsible

Funding Source



Buildings will provide specific Character Education lessons for students regarding social/emotional support.

Admin team and building leadership teams


Spring 2024


Develop a multi-tiered system of support (MTSS) for mental health supports

Social workers, counseling team, admin

Local, state

Spring 2024


Mental Health Awareness and Self-Care resources will be available to students and staff on an annual basis

Human resources, Counseling team




Look into granting opportunities for personnel positions to support MTSS such as social worker, Licenced Counselor (LPC) and School Resource Officer

Board of ed

State, grant, local

Fall 2023


Research and implement measures such as: in-school suspension, credit-recovery options, alternative education opportunities, reset/recovery room

Supt. Admin team

Local and state

Spring 2023


Utilize Burrell Comprehensive and monitor percentages of student usage

Building admin and counselors

